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Chris  Baron  Mailing  List

Thanks for Helping us Go!

Chris Baron Music Deschutes River Yell

2023, You were spectacular.  Thank you to everyone who supported the band all year long.   


Who wants behind-the-scenes personal commentary and

private videos and personal words?  You can help keep me going,

and experience me doing it right with you. 

You can be a Patron. PATREON. The button is at the top. You will learn 

alot about the real me, and I can keep doing what I'm doing. 

I ignore social media for everything but the most formal announcements. 

The real Story is Only for Patrons. 

Support the Artist Directly!

DOWNLOAD the studio music HERE:


Trying out a Mailing List.  Show me what you think of that by subscribing. 

If you want News, I'll provide it. 

Rarely most likely. 

Only when there's something super-extra-cool.  

Patreon is more personal, and probably more regular.

Someone typed me stock questions about my music and story, and printed it as if it was an interview. 

Does this count as "press"?  If so, I've hit the Big Time!  Speech!

New Music video (Feb 2024)

Hello, 2024 

Here's lookin at me wantin ya more  

Telling secrets again, makin waves, makin friends

And I know that I'll see you on tour! 

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