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Anonymous #4

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) 2/19/18  ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


On my own I do ok, but there’s nothing like another

To remind me that I probably shouldn’t bother


I could think a thought, but I’d analyze it forever

And ruin all the harmony from before


A river has an end, but its part of something bigger

And the individual pieces matter none


I don’t understand the weather, but I can build a better village

With a place to go for sun, and one for snow


I’m a-do ok, but there’s nothing like another

To remind you that you probably shouldn’t bother


I could think a thought, but it’d be buried by another

On and on into a useless pile of rubble


Sing to the Roses

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) 1/31/18 - 2/4/18  ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


You are the woman I see in my dreams

The only thing different is everyone seems to be older, there

This is a dream that has happened before

Maybe its happened for years, I cannot be sure

Follow you over the redwooded stream

Following me is a crowd, they all know something

I don’t, I’m sure

Everyone smiles as you sing to the roses

Petals are blowing and everyone knows

Everyone smiles as you sing to the roses

This is the way of the world with you, my love


Wherever I go and the radio’s blasting

Everything happening here has a song

Brings me on back to that day in the mountains

Reaching for heaven like hell to belong


Everyone smiles as you sing to the roses

Everyone knows it and everyone cheers

Everyone smiles as you sing to the roses

This is the way of the world

With you, my love


<You are the woman I see in my dreams,

the only thing different is everyone seems to be older, here

You are the woman I saw through the trees,

only a glimpse from my knees, and I breathe…

in, out…


Dreams Are Dreams and Other Things Seem to Matter Much Less to Me

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; ;(orig) 2015  ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


Baby, how do you do it?

How do you do it, you live so well…


I got dreams, but it seems to me

I'm never awake when I need to be

I'm never awake, so perilous

Who am I to live like this?


Sometimes love is  wrecking ball

Sometimes the sun don't shine at all

But dreams are dreams and other things seem to

matter much less to me


Broken words from a breaking man

a broken pen in my shaking hands

A dried-up well, cuz the love is gone

Now nobody can tell what I'm thinkin' on

Dreams are dreams and other things seem to matter much less to me

Dreams are breathing, Life is easy, Put your lips on me, Life is easy


I thought I could, and I think I can

The weight of the world in my shaking hands

But dreams are dreams, and other things seem to matter much less to me


Dream are dreams and other things seem to matter much less to me!


Maybe, there ain't nothin' to it, use it or lose it?

I just can't tell

Baby, how do you do it?

How do you do it, you live so well…



the Leveler

Lyrics by Chris Baron ;  (orig) October 2015 - May 2016 ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


You may not call me kind

till I have given up ambitions

and ignored the old traditions

for another state of mind

You may not call me kind


You may not call me pure

till I have faced an easy out

and I have chosen to stay

till I have proven I am sure

You may not call me pure


Travel is the leveler

The top of all the teachers

the purest of the mirrors

A hundred miles of road

will teach you more about yourself

than a hundred years of thinking


You may not call me brave

till I have said farewell to ceilings

and the luxury of stealing

lazy hours in a cave

You may not call me brave


You may not call me brave

till I have walked a thousand miles

Till I have earned the candid smile

of a stranger with a wave

You may not call me brave

Walk till not a person knows your name


You may not call me happy

till I can gaze upon the present

unbothered by regrets

or whether my time was better spent

Suppose you may call me content

Cabin In the Woods

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) 6/28/17 ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


I don’t know how, but I hope its true

I don’t know who, but I hope its you

I don’t know when, and I don’t know where,

but if its you, I’ll see you there...


Cabin in the woods, noone understands

Everything is good closer to the land, Cabin in the woods


Cabin in the woods, I go when I should

Livin in the city its hard to stay good, Cabin in the woods


Everybody needs a change and a strange moment in a place thats a far ways away

Different over there, different back where, different how what when, make it if you care,

Cabin in the woods


How can I fit in this city life, That over there, This inside

That over here, This feels right, That seems distant, This seems bright


Cabin in the past, you can't understand

Try to imagine how the trees still stand, cabin in the past


Open up the door, slide to the right, coffee's in the mug and I'm feelin alright

Cabin in the past


Cabin in the woods, woodstove burns, candle on the table, season turns


I don't know how But I hope its true I don't know who But I hope its you I don't know when And I don't know where But if its you I'll see you there


Brave Oregon

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) November 2016 ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


Another wet Oregon fall

Where the gloom hangs low and the fog sits tall

I need to keep my eyes to the clouds

Cock an ear into the mist, listen to the gust for that ancient sound


Another brave Oregon song

The days are bright and the nights are long

I lay my ear to the ground

I listen to the breezes for that ancient sound...

Click, tap, stream


Another brave Oregon song

For all the brave pioneers who have never been wrong

We always know the best way to flow

So we're already ready when we smell the snow

Click, tap, stream


Another wet Oregon dream

I see a trickle and I feel the stream

I wanna get back to the road

Look upon the nation, the great dissapation...and the wild ones go


Back roads Veneta to Eugene

Backcountry here is a dreamers dream

Deep in an Oregon fall, there's enough to go around when we hear that call

Click, tap, click, tap, click, tap, stream!


Its been a pretty good year

Tho I wish things were different with the season right here

It will, I suppose, move along, Back to the heat, Along to the rhythm of that ancient song



Turtle Patrol

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) 5/17/17, Surfside BeachTX ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


Turtle Patrol: up and down the beaches with an eye to the tracks

looking for the signs, call a scientist

to measure the lengths, make note on the facts


Turtle Patrol: first line of defense for everything that moves slow

Gotta be so careful cuz the beach is a road and the visitor person won't know,

won't care, won't slow


Turtle Patrol: Beaches from Florida to Mexico

We made the call from Texas...

Came all the way from Galveston to rescue the nest in a regular truck,

not a helicopter or a submarine


I saw a real life scientist today

She had red mesh tennies and a few things to say

She had instruments for measures, weather conditions are her pleasures

It was her third turtle nest of the day!


Turtle Patrol: up & down the beaches & the going is sure,,,Gotta be so careful so the eggs have a chance and the species can find its way back to the ocean floor


Safety hats: for every turtle volunteer cuz safety is that very first priority, and it all comes back

to protecting the goods you got under the shell


Turtle Patrol: up and down the beaches with an eye to the tracks

Lookin’ for the signs, call a scientist, wish I had a UTV that said...



Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) October 2017 ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


I was sittin’ alone, starin’ at the San Antonio River

Thinkin’ about my friends, thinkin’ about my suspicious nature

I almost did it again, I almost lost another friend,

I almost opened my big mouth before I thought it through,

you think I’d learn by now…


Addison said to me, the wind carried his words

If you think that someone’s gonna take something from you…

Give it to them first.


I was livin’ along, like I’ll always do,

probably hummin’ a tune, probably starin’ at my shoes…

I am just a simple manic, I get triggered, I just panic,

I need friends who recognize that I spiral out, advise me what to do…


No rest for the wicked, in this live anyway

I give it away

So take a little bit, a part of me

to love and hold you when we are apart

to feel that you remain a part of the chain


I was thinkin’ about worries that I carry,

thoughts about being married…

Its not about control, or a lack of heart and soul or

any other reason as predictable, just have to make it whole…


Addison said to me, the wind carries his words

If you think that someone’s gonna hurt you, curse you, make worse for you,

take something away from you…

Give it to them first.



the Sacramento Song

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) September 2012 ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


Wastin’ time when I should be drivin’

Everyday life can be hypnotizing

Please remind me when I start to spiral away


Southbound four of us, the moon was risin’

Freedom and free on the closing horizon

Three of us for a family reunion, and I,

for a taste of the times…


Hold me close as darkness falls

my skin, my body can feel the pulse

as we move, closing on our destination

Sleep to the hum and the whine


Poolside, morning, forever, awhile

for some it’s a dream and for some a lifestyle,

Sweet surrender to the curves of the water

the smile of fortune is kind…


Easing my mind as my lady is drivin’

troubles will burn where the road does widen

Free and Freedom are words that we seldom believe

or really know what it means


Southbound four of us, and love was shinin’

Freedom and free ever mesmorizin’

too few precious days in a lifetime of strivinn’

for some peace of mind…



Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) July 2015 - July 2017  ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


Its popular to say you have no regrets

Its easy I suppose, if you’ve never

let anyone around you get you down,

or just left town without another word…

Its easy enough to say I won’t regress

I think I’ve lived enough to just do better

I think I realize what matters most:

Keep them close, don’t assume that they will do the work for you

I miss you all.


My favorite people never once complain

Optimism is in, any day in age

Its easy enough to wish away a pain

But I can’t do that, even though I’m sure its fine if I let my guard down a little…


And the day that I finally quit talking myself out of it

Instead of waiting for you to reach out to me,

I will reach back to you genuinely


Let Me Find Pieces

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) November 2016 - June 2017 ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


Its almost midnight...maybe the Last night...

Maybe the blasting bloody end, my friend, that we all feared would come


I've gotta make it to the store

My friends don't like me anymore

I've got a big old need,

to make peace with these

melodies and old memories

I need a Forgiveness

I need a pint of Patience

I need to double-bag for my degradations...

…and you should keep the change


Let me buy pieces, then let me come home


I know we were supposed to hang out

we both made time to be around

but suddenly I let out a scream and a shout

and it drowned your voice right out

I need spirit earplugs

my voices are like machine guns

I've got an inside riot

and if that ain't life, then what is?

I bet you can wait

I hope you can wait

I hope I find pieces

I hope I come home

Let me find pieces, then let me come home

Why am I bent?

Things seem ok

Time's moving fast  

but in a regular way

And all I can think of and all I can say is that I don't think I can build this myself

Show me the way, show me the door

Time I can steal and I have seen this before

but no one around can seem to explain how we're supposed to build this thing ourselves

Let me find pieces, then let me come home


I've gotta make it downtown

A better life has gotta be around

There's gotta be people with needs like me,

melodies, and old memories...

I need a big perspective

I need a half-full glass

I need a good times census

a lock box for the rest

Let me find pieces, then let me come home

Hello 2019

Lyrics by Chris Baron ; (orig) 11/6/2016 ; ©ChrisBaronMusic2018


Look up at the sky its a beautiful night to be alive

I just wanna say hi and welcome you all to the show

I've got a million things I wanna say, but I need to remain patient (and kind)

and I'm sure there's a few things,

that you wanted to talk about as well, we'll find the time


Be near wherever I go, like wherever I've been

I've got rain in my ears and a song for the years that we've spent

Just a few more things to do and say,

drink and say, before this part can end

don't know 'bout you but I can't wait to be next to you then

till then, wave hi


Hello 2019

Hello you big jellybean

Hello again, like it was way back when

When I first said hello to the scene

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